The Wren

By TheWren

Mt Charleston

It was my son's birthday today and he is on leave so his wish was to go back up to Mt Charleston to see how much snow had fallen and to do a new check on baby R's oxygen requirements at heights. Using the monitor we saw R's oxygen levels dipping when we reached the 6,000' mark and so we needed to insert the cannula into her nostrils and my DIL carried the oxygen tank on her back during the walk. We last visited here in 16th February and you can see the difference in snow levels. It was a fabulous walk and Kymba thought she was in heaven with all that cold snow to frolic in. The fairly well trodden snowy path was flanked by the magnificent, soaring redwoods and you can just see through the trees to the steep mountainside and blue sky beyond. I took so many photos as I drank in the wonderful scenery..... And maybe also to catch my breath as walking through snow at 8,000' is literally breathtaking! When we got home we all sat outside, the girls in their sun hats in bouncy chairs, while we enjoyed birthday cake and some relaxation. It is my last full day here this time and it has been a super one.

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