Shaved pussy...

Well I need to find some humour in the day.

I squished Pepsi into her carrier this morning after cornering her in the hall and dropped her off at the vets on the way to work.

They phoned me just before midday and I thought something was wrong. As it turns out they gave her an anesthetic and when they shaved her, they saw a scar in the same place. The vet said that he thinks she's already been spayed but they went in to check just in case it was for something else but there doesn't appear to be a uterus. The vet said to be 100% sure they'd need to do a bigger operation but I said no and he thought that was the right decision. He reckoned he's 99% certain that she's already been done.

When I took her from her previous owner I specifically asked if she'd been spayed and he said no. That she'd had a couple of jabs when she was a kitten but nothing else.

I thought the right thing to do was to have her spayed since I had no plans to breed her. But now I just feel bad that I've starved her all night (she was not happy about that at all!), stressed her out taking her up there, put her through unnecessary surgery and now I've just paid 72 quid for an unnecessary surgery. An expensive lesson. I'm sorry I took his word for it when I gave her a forever home but I'm not sure what else I could have done. The vet said it's quite common with rescue cats, much easier to tell with boys.

It was weird coming home to an empty house after work but I figured I'd run the hoover round before I collected her so we can just hang out and not have to do the housework. After I'd paid the bill, the vet said I should feed her something light for dinner, boiled white fish or boiled chicken. I'm not a great fish eater so the conversation in Sainsburys at the fish counter tickled the fishmonger I think. Clueless even after I googled before I went in. So I came home and duly boiled the fish, my hands stink, the flat stinks and the fucking cat turned her nose up at it!

She just wants her biscuits... does anyone know what harm they'd do? I don't want to make her poorly but she must be starving now. She's currently licking her bald patch and won't stop. It doesn't appear to be doing any harm cause the stitches are hidden underneath and it doesn't seem to be the actual scar but the edge of the bald patch that she's grooming. I feel like a neurotic parent but I'd rather not have to deal with an open wound in the middle of the night.

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