Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Kalanchöe or Kalanchoë or Kalanchoe

There actually is a wee backstory to this flower/plant. It was found in a dumpster by my treasure hunting husband, looking very much the worse for wear. Evidently its previous owner had tossed it out when it finished blooming - as you do. I stuck it on the porch outside with the rest of my plants all last Summer and just watered it - and then brought it in and stuck it upstairs in front of a window. By the end of the Summer it had started to form buds, and they finally started opening about a week or two ago. Since it arrived it has doubled, maybe tripled, in size and is clearly grateful for having been given a second chance.

Also - I love that my MacBook allows me to easily produce letters with those little accents and whatnot on them. Olé!

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