Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Broad bodied chaser - Libellula depressa

Yet another cracking day but disappointing safari, nothing seemed to want to play nicely. I got to about four feet away from this dragon before it departed. But, my first dragon sighting and I got a piece of it, enough to identify anyway.

I've been chasing a small blue butterfly all week and still cannot get near. I failed to nail the red tipped queen bee and it's male counterpart once again. Failed to get close to the peacock butterfly that has been teasing me all week. The female orange tip butterfly has been tantalizingly illusive, preferring to play with the boys rather than posing for the big eye.

I can do better than this, so frustrating and hot!

Glad you enjoyed the video yesterday, the boys are still laughing about it.

Today's difference discussion: I asked my son, John, what he thought the biggest difference between UK and Bandung. After a little thought, he recalled the bars. In all the bars, the bill is settled at the end of the session. Vary rare you see a tab system in the UK, although it is common in a lot of countries.

John was particularly struck by the number of night butterflies, but probably the biggest shock was when my friend, Wanti, a six foot transvestite, wearing a short red dress, full hair and make-up, came over and gave me a big hug and grabbed my ass. That took some explaining!


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