A Blue Blip for my Buddy Boy

When Merrick (my grandson) is down here, he starts his chant from the back seat. "Peacocks, peacocks, peacocks!!!" Just to shut him up, we head off to search for the colorful birds. This group is located in a seaside subdivision. It always brings 2 questions to mind.

1. How do the people feel about having them for "pets?"
2. How do the people feel about having me standing on their sidewalk taking pictures?

Thanks so much for all of the comments on my 4 year blip. I'm having some serious internet issues. It takes me a long time just to post. But then, when I click on your pictures, I wait and wait, and sometimes it never comes up. VERY frustrating, and I don't have an answer as to what is happening. But, we'll keep trying.

Starting with Merrick, and ending with Merrick...I REALLY miss my Buddy Boy. He is coming down with my daughter and my wife on March 16th. I came down on January 16th, so it has been two long months since I've seen him. I can hardly wait to give him a super little man hug.

I forgot to report my bad news. My credit card has been compromised. My bank in Michigan called, and asked if I had purchased 319 dollars worth of groceries at a Winn Dixie in Tampa. "NO, NO, NO!!!"

So, they had to cancel my card. Lucky for me, our neighbor Faye has set me up with some cold hard cash, and Lisa will bring me down a new card. Ohhhhh...the days we live in. Technology is super, but it has also created a brand new kind of crook.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/sets/72157648890724714/ Click here for just a few other shots, including one of what the peacocks do to pass the time. HINT: While we are looking at them...they are also looking. ;0)

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