International Women's Day #make it happen

“Freedom cannot be achieved unless women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression.” ~ Nelson Mandela 1994

Bridal Corset 1904 - Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag (photo:MerrilHope January 2015).  The water colour women are fragments from my sketch book - something I was working on in June last year, on the theme of women in Turkey today.  Emma Watson's use of the "If not me, who?" quote during her UNwomen speech on gender equality in September 2014 at the launch of the 'He for She' campaign along with International Women's Day 2015 theme of #make it happen all combined to make a statement after a fashion..... 

 Ok, spent far too long on this.  Now off to do my ironing!
(extra points for spotting the irony)

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