Sunny but cold

Not an early start but a good day.
That said it didn't start that well - an 11o'clock hospital appointment to get my dressing changed followed by finding no newspapers in the shops at all - cancelled ferries causing problems again.
Then however the grey lifted and we got our best patch of blue sky for a while. Baleshare beach was where we went and this was taken on it. As you can guess from Tricia's attire, it wasn't exactly summery but at least there was some sun. We did get caught in a couple of hailstorms that swept in quickly but they were short enough not to mar a bracing walk.
The worst thing with the squalls was that with the westerly winds, you can see them coming with an air of inevitability and you soon realise that there is nowhere to hide. Trees? Dream on. Hills? No chance. Buildings? Oh yeah! Just a vast relatively flat sandy expanse of beach and machair

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