The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Milk Bat

Our breastfeeding journey began one hour into my arrival, once mummy had been unclipped, unhooked and unstuck from various pieces of machinery. We set ourselves a goal of making it through the night. Now, here we are nearly 11 months later and I still like to hang off her like a bat. Day AND night.

I've started to shun all food and increase my demands for milk feeds especially in public which has mummy feeling slightly self conscious now that she needs to rearrange the furniture to fit me across her lap. When is too old to feed in public she thought? Never too old, I said.

After a trip to the doctor and lunch with granny Anne, the magnetic force of Costa had us pulling up to the drive thru. Today we were given a points card. Why are we only discovering these now? Daddy says we should show them the array of empty cups and muffin crumbs in the car and see if they will backdate the points. Must be about 1000 points worth in the side of the car door alone.

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