Front Rider

Today we decided that we needed to give Miles some proper time for him. We often end up just dragging him around as we try to renovate/do the shopping so it was time to do something just for him. Let's not beat around the bush though, he's a happy lad and gets loads of attention, so he's certainly not neglected!!

Anyway, we decided to do a bit of a 'park crawl' on the bikes, with a stop at Green Park cafe in the middle for a babycino and some caffeine for us parents. We went down the Merri Creek trail and it was heaps of fun, Miles loves his bike seat over the handlebars and rode over the hills and bridges like he was on a rollercoaster (arms up with a 'weeeee!'). Too funny.

The afternoon became Mission Pelmet for me and I finally got the s0dding things up on the wall before crashing out with carpel tunnel from having to hand screw the brackets onto the wall.

They're never coming off. Ever.

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