The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Butterflies

I get passed about like a hot potato every Wednesday morning. Mummy and daddy have gotten really good at getting ready with one hand and I've gotten really good at getting sleepy just as we need to be heading out the door. My stubborn tantrums on the kitchen floor are spectacular.

Mummy dropped me off at the childminder this morning. I flashed my best smile as I arrived and all thoughts of being tired disappeared. I couldn't wait to get out of mummy's arms and play with the tool kit and Bramble the dog. Another stand off at lunchtime today. Not even daddy's macaroni cheese had me tempted. Don't they know I'm holding out for Bramble's bone?

Mummy says the best part about a Wednesday is the butterflies she gets in her tummy as she's on her way to pick me up. I don't have the heart to tell her that I forget all about her until she reappears, so I tell her that I get butterflies too.

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