The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Game Changer

Daddy was taking a day off from the Thursday Fun Club. I was devastated. So much so that I cried every hour on the hour ALL night. Mummy tried to appease me with Weetabix at 4am. I grabbed a handful of it and tossed it across the room. At 4.30am I woke daddy up to explain himself.

I need to go to work today, he said, but granny Isy is stepping in to cover. Well now, there's a game changer! I wouldn't have cried all night if I'd known that! Big smiles for granny like butter wouldn't melt this morning as mummy and daddy dragged their severely sleep deprived selves to work. Me and granny had a great day playing games and walking.

Mummy has a confession. She's been enjoying being back at work. It gives her an identity and a purpose and a cup of tea. But today in the supermarket when she seen lots of new mums with their babies she wanted to whip off her ID badge and shout 'I'm one of you, I've been up all night too, I have a baby, I really wish he was with me right now.' But you've got to look at the bigger picture mummy. You've just whizzed in and out of the shops in 2 minutes. When was the last time that happened? See, you can't even remember.

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