The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Sleep Fiasco

For every month that I've aged, mummy and daddy have aged 10 years. Mummy reckons last night's sleep fiasco added 10 years all by itself. By the time I go to school people will be saying 'there's your granny to pick you up' and I'll be too embarrassed to say 'no, no that's just my grey-haired, baggy-eyed mummy.'

We made it along to bookbug this morning. We were late but we were there, in person if nothing else. Afterwards, we spent the afternoon at soft play. Some lunch and mummy chat made us feel more human.

I turned 11 months old today. We can't believe how fast the time has gone. Although the man serving us lunch today thought I was nearly THREE! And I'm supposed to be the one ageing gracefully!

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