Rotting Stump

Well my 'rain radar' failed me today - and we set off for a walk this morning just as it began to precipitate!

Trouble is once the dogs are harnessed up and ready to go they really don't want to lie down again!

So we got a bit wet. And cold - I lost all feeling in my face at one point. However, to avoid the worst of it we walked through the woods, then quickly across a field, at which point Katie turned round and started to head back again so we returned by the same route.

I spotted this rotting tree stump in the woods - and was taken by the lovely red colour on one side. It was too dark to handhold the camera so I had to use the pop-up flash which has just blown the highlights a bit. Needed a bit of work in Lightroom to bring back the details at the top of the shot and tone down the brightness nearest the flash.

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