Still Life

We have been asked to submit some images on Saturday for our Camera Class based on Table top Images - "Still Life".  Steve has asked us to try and incorporate as many areas of the course that we have learnt over the past five weeks and hopefully have at least six images to show for it.

I thought my Gang Gang image from last night could possibly pass the test of "still life".  That beautiful Gang Gang looks pretty still to me!!  Oh, and I did incorporate the Shutter Priority tool.

This pretty dahlia may also get the nod as I set up the tripod and used Aperture Priority so that I had a shallow depth of field.  To think that once upon a time I just used to set a camera on automatic and press the button.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time in the storeroom sorting through lots of "stuff".  I sat for about an hour going through dozens and dozens of photos that I have taken over the past twenty years.  I started to think what a shame it is that I have only started to take my photography seriously.  So many wonderful places I have visited and didn't really do them justice.  No use feeling sad for long.  I had a great time at the time and now I have this wonderful new hobby and I can look forward to seeing my travels in a totally different way.  

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