Matilda Day 03

Matilda Day 3

We’re now travelling South. Due South from Kalgoorlie to Esperance. The water pipe is no longer there by the side of the road, instead we now we have a railway. The railway is doing what we’re doing, it’s going from Kalgoorlie to Esperance. 

The thing I find strange is that the the railway is single track. As we travel the highway with nothing much to do but think it intrigues me how this can work. This particular railway is over 200 miles long and primarily takes what comes out of the mines down to the sea for shipping. But it’s a two way process. The trains must travel North to south and South to North…… on the same track??!! Maybe they have some sort of system like Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursday are South to North days and Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays do the opposite. Perhaps they maintain the track on  Saturdays. Or maybe they have passing places like single track roads. I notice a couple of places where there’s a kind of rail depot. They could pass there but the organisation for that seems to be mind boggling over such long distances. I didn’t see any signals on the line either. 

We see two trains on our journey. They were both travelling South to North which could fit in with my original theory. The trains are long. The longest trains I’ve ever seen. They must each be about a mile long!! The whole thing is a mystery!!

We’ve finally reached the ocean, the Southern Ocean. There’s nothing much between us and the Antarctic. It still feels warm to me but MollyMay is rooting around for trousers and cardigan!!   

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