Matilda Day 04

This is the first day we haven't been "on the road". We've done a lot of strange and varied activities though.

We went to look at 'The Pink Lake'. It wasn't pink and it was no longer a lake. MollyMay and Glyn remember that the last time they came here there was a lake full of what looked like pink water. The colour came from algae that was growing on the surface of the water. Today it looked like a vast white desert. No water and nothing growing. It was spectacular in its bleakness.

Next we went to 'Lucky Bay'. The most beautiful beach I've seen (and I've recently been to Mauritius). The sand was pure white and the sea was 'fifty shades of' blue and wonderful for swimming. This is where the blip was taken. The kangaroos were just moseying around on the shore looking a bit incongruous against the blue sea. 

Our last venue was Stonehenge. It was a close call between a blip of this and a blip of the kangaroos. A crazy enterprising Australian decided to build a replica of Stonehenge high on a plateau just outside Esperance. It was exact in every detail. Just a couple of things were different. The stones were cut from a nearby quarry so they were very regular. They also had concrete footings to make sure they didn't fall on the head of some unsuspecting tourist (there were no health and safety regulations when the original was built!). It was an amazing spectacle!!

Back on the road tomorrow for a long drive to Albany where we'll catch up with MollyMay's son and a great niece I have yet to meet.

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