LMGL - Project 366

By LMGLPhotography

Books Were His Life

My free behind the scenes/tutorial video for this photo can be found here:

I've been planning to do a behind the scenes/tutorial video for a while now and today is the day!! I finally got the time, equipment and people for this project and made it a reality. And I promise this won't be the last video... :D

If you guys enjoy watching this one and would like to support me and my "hobby", I would ask you to like me on Facebook. (I know, I shouldn't beg you guys for likes, but please stay with me...)This way I can keep you posted about all the videos/photos/giveaways and interviews (yes, you read it right, interviews!! :D) that I will be doing in the future. It's a win-win situation, I get likes, which gives me more coverage and this in turn makes producing this type of content possible - for you guys to enjoy for free!

In this video you'll see what the shooting process is like for me, and in the end of the video, you'll see a two minute breakdown of the post-processing I do in Photoshop (CS6). I hope you guys enjoy watching this one, as much as I enjoyed shooting it!!

Thank you! :D

PS. I hope you guys are able to understand my finnglish... ;) All comments/critiques are highly appreciated! :D


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