From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Yay! Scottish ginger rats invading England?

Oh how I laughed when I was sat here listening to my radio first thing! Apparently there has been a spate of ginger rats appearing in the Scottish Borders trying to invade England! Apparently, domestic rats have escaped and been breeding with the locals and have now been spotted at large!

When I first heard this, after I had stopped laughing, I had to check the date on my work laptop and then I checked my iPhone and also the Leith calendar in the kitchen to make sure I hadn’t lapsed into a coma for a few weeks and it was now April Fool’s Day. It’s the sort of spoof thing you’d hear around that time.

You can read all about it right here.

I have had the occasional rat living under the shed and in the bushes which I have not been too thrilled about but when I am feeding half the Brum squirrel and bird population, you are bound to get the occasional other creature wanting to pop by for a snack. The idea of having hundreds of them is rather alarming though.

Would I be happier to see a big ginger Scottish rat appearing in my undergrowth? Ha! Probably, especially if he posed for a Blipfoto afterwards!!

It was a fairly busy work day. I will go to the office tomorrow to finish my purchase card reconciliation and chase a few people. Not literally I assure you but some folks need pinning down. Ummm...not literally....

A squirrel and a starling were on the same feeding dish earlier quite happily enjoying an early lunch together. The squirrel spotted me and immediately felt guilty and jumped down! Shame really as it would have made a good picture. Oh well… Anyway, Tesco Man came soon after 10am. He agreed me that it should be illegal to make us work when the weather is nice. The nice weather is now over and the sky has gone grey again.

I had a choice between stuckies (or starlings), sparrows, black caps or a couple of goldfinches today which are rare to my feeders. The other one was hiding round the back.

Track? I'm in the mood for something lively and optimistic from the Waterboys today. Turn it up loud! - The New Life

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