BROTHER SNAIL DID IT!! He ate the winter aconite flower, first one and now my second one. I am glad that I put the ones that I had found at the Diemelhöhe, at a different place in the ground. They are all happily alive still.
In the morning I worked at a higher up place in the garden, where I cleared an old stone wall, small it was, but overgrown. I did not even knew it was there. Piet Hein could finish the digging out of the big roots.
Phase 2 of the waste pipe mystery completed. Next phase is to find where the pipe is hidden in the ground.
We had a good plan for the afternoon. We drove to Herstelle, walked a road till we came upon the wide plain, with the beautiful views south and visited the Papageienhof. We found there more parakeets and parrots than ever and drank tea there, resting a bit too.
There were parrots who could talk a lot, and there were odd couples too.
All day the weather was so pleasant, the sun peeping from the big clouds for shorter or longer times.

My haiku:

I prefer to look
Away from you, I feel so
Embarrassed by you

And the proverb:

An empty sack cannot stand upright.

1642  in Torriano, 90.

Applied to such as either pinch themselves, or are pinched by hard fortune.

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