Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

Paprika Chicken

Well my nocturnal photo shoots have stepped up a bit this morning...to include a bout of nocturnal cooking...
I woke up at 2am so decided to start to prepare today's lunch...Paprika Chicken from the Hairy Bikers Cookbook.
What better way to spend my time in the early hours of the morning than combining my two major passions...cooking and photography!
I have left it to marinade in my husband's own home made spicy tomato sauce and will get him to add peppers (we have run out) after he gets back from the gym tomorrow via the supermarket and put it on using my trusty Remoska whilst I am at my photography club...hey presto...lunch all cooked by the time I get home at lunch time.  Just time for a cuppa before trying to get back to sleep....

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