Happy Sugar

Saturday, Sugar spent the morning in the bathroom with me de-cluttering.  It's that time of year....Spring Cleaning, and for me that always means it's time to get rid of stuff.  We were ruthless in there....so many things were removed from the cabinets and drawers.  Felt really good.  Sugar spent some time going through a basket in there that holds her hair ribbons, and bows, and many other odds and ends. She started piling it on her person, and getting really giggly.  I just had to snap a photo of her.  It was actually her idea. 

After lunch, we went on a photo hunt.  She used one of my old DSLRs.  We had 15 things to try to capture. Things such as "Black", "soft", "two", and so on.  It was so fun to see how we each found different things to capture.  Such a fun activity out in the neighborhood together.  Sugar can't wait to do it again.  I'd like to try it with a group of her friends as well. 

Then.....back at the house, I mowed the lawn, while Sugar just played around the yard.  I found 3 Pacific Tree Frogs, and she made a fun habitat for them in a plastic tote, and that occupied her for the rest of the day.  

I made her one of her favorite meals for dinner. Frito Burrito Burgers. It's a taco flavored Hamburger patty topped with cheese, refried beans, and some frito chips.  It's a bit like a cheeseburger, Bean burrito, and taco all at once.  She loves them, and it has been ages since I made some.  This made for a very happy Sugar.

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