
This is how we celebrate birthdays in the air!  

My crew very kindly presented me with a cake and a card and sang Happy Birthday to me while we were in briefing before our flight.  When we left DC it was still my birthday, but by the time we all had some cake (once the passengers were fed and put to bed) it was the early hours of today, the 11th.  Nothing like a nice piece of chocolate cake at 2 in the morning!  There was even enough for me to take the rest home, so I am still enjoying it!  

My view of birthdays - they should never last just one day!  I am celebrating all month!  And in fact, the Iceland trip was a little bit of a birthday treat for me!  

I finally loaded my Iceland pictures on Flickr.  There are 4 separate albums. Take a look if you want!

Iceland 1 - Reykjavik
Iceland 2 - Golden Circle Tour
Iceland 3 - South Shore Tour
Iceland 4 - The Blue Lagoon

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