Scotland says Nae Nazis!

I was in town this morning to take part in the protest march organised by unite against fascism in response to the planned SDL march. I joined workmates, family, friends and hundreds of others to make our voice heard and register our disgust against the rampant islamophobia and bigotry displayed by the SDL.

I should point out that I support free speech but I also support the right to peaceful protest when someone uses their right to free speech to persecute, intimidate or degrade any others.

The march was well organised and was a credit to the people of Scotland as it wasn't just attended by Edinburgh residents. I'm immensely proud to live in a country where multiculturalism isn't just accepted it's celebrated. Scotland is a far richer country for the many cultures who have chosen to make their homes here throughout it's history.

There were many speakers including speakers from the islamic community, the jewish community, the world of politics and organisations such as the EiS and the NUS. Part of what helped make it was the great job done by the police in organising everything especially since the SDL were still in court this week trying to get permission to march.

There's more on the marches here if you're interested.

I did get a bit too much sun though, I'm fairly scarlet now.

A great day was followed up with a great night starting at the Queens Spice for then heading to the moorings for drinks for the Taekwon Do club night out. There were about 20 of us in total and it was a night of great food, great company and freely flowing drink, so apologies if any of this blip doesn't make sense as I'm a wee bit stocious now....

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