A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Friday the 13th

.. and a very wet morning.

I decided to forego the morning walk NOT just because of the rain but as I felt I would have to wear wellies and for a longer walk my ankle is still a bit weak after my fall a couple of weeks back.

By late morning it was not actually raining so I had a damp scout rounded the garden. The Tete a Tete are in varying stages of flowering around the garden and are a delight though rather low to,the ground to get a good shot.

I also found some Anemone Blanda near the Hamamellis, which is finally starting to look past its best after 3 months of flower, but they were looking very droopy after the night of rain.

We found 'The Second Best Marigold Hotel' a delight last night. The actors are all fantastic and of course India itself is a star. Might treat myself to watching the first one again!

Happy weekend everyone.

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