Selective Cropping

It's ages since I tried to take blips in the plant room of the local garden centre so I armed myself with a macro lens and my widest aperture to isolate and focus on particular blooms. It was a good time to be looking for flower shots as there was a wide range of blooms available as a prelude to Mother's Day. However, what I did not reckon with was the forest of , often brightly coloured, plastic plant labels surrounding all of the blooms. I am sure they are getting bigger by the year. As most flowers currently are not very developed and quite small in their pots I was also contending with the strident white lines of polystyrene plant holders.  I took a load of shots on the hope that some of them with some judicious cropping might lose these distractions. it did not prove an easy post-processing session on the computer. Out of sheer cussedness I have chosen the image where the bloom stand out clearest and sharpest against the background rather than those which were possibly slightly better composed. next time I need to take a shorter macro lens and possibly some extension tubes or resort to using my lensbaby.

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