Friday the 13th

A friend of mine was born on Friday the 13th and was always told that this was a lucky day, an auspicious day.  I decided that I liked that attitude and have adopted it, so most 13ths that fall on a Friday will find me with a day off work and some gallivanting being done.

Today was no different.  I took a train to Glasgow (from Platform 13, no less) and enjoyed an informative and useful meeting (ok, a little actual work was done).  Afterwards I met the wonderful NorthernSkies who has been wonderful in helping me prepare for Japan.  Thank you A.

Afterwards I went for a wander around the Merchant City and then popped into the big new Paperchase on Buchanan Street to gaze at stationery.  Many of the staff were dressed up for Red Nose Day and this lovely lady gave me a beaming smile as I came into the shop so she had to be my blip.  People make Glasgow.

All I wanna do...

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