
Thanks for your support and comments yesterday - it was very busy and a long day, starting at 6 am and back to our room after 11 pm.  

Although there was a reason for that.  We got to the hotel dining room just before the kitchen closed at 10 pm and ordered our one and only "proper" meal for the day.  The time went passed and we sat and sat - and the food didn't come.  The waiting staff got worried and gave the kitchen a hurry-up, and eventually it came.  But the staff were so embarrassed we got free desserts and a couple of bottles of sparkling mineral water on the house! How good is that.  And when it did arrive the chicken was delicious too.

Lagging a bit this morning, and we slept in, and didn't get up until 10 past 6.  A whole 10 minute lay in.  A shorter day at the Expo, which ends at 5 pm, but the Rower will be going until about 11 again.  I'll head over to the concert hall when I'm finished here and join him.

Then just one more day and it's over for another year - this part of it at any rate.

I wonder how my little Mishy is getting on - gee I miss that dog.

So this is the view from our window - except I focused on the window instead of the view.  Which is exactly how my brain feels right now, fogged and grubby.

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