Our lovely Japanese Maple

The snow is receding and uncovering damage everywhere in the yard. We loved this beautiful tree next to our patio, gorgeous in three seasons, ours for eight years if she had made it to summer. Snapped and ruined, a sad discovery this morning.

I've shed tears today for our tree and for what I fear is the loss of this beloved blip community. As a retired person, I feel like I have now lost my day job and Raspberry her global stage. Collect your contact information, backup, reach out and hope that this is not the end to our beloved community. In less than 50 days it will be 5 years for me here at blip, no backblips, never a miss or gap . I am heartbroken if it all comes tumbling down.

For the Record
This day game in gloomy with rain and depressing news.

All hands healing

If you should wish to find me I have signed on here for something to hold on to, through my tears.

email me at thecatspaintbrush@yahoo.com and I will give you my home email as well. I can't lose so many friends overnight, this is so sad.

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