RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Marching Band

I stumbled upon some kind of marching band contest or demonstration at the downtown basketball court this morning as I made my rounds. I LOVE marching bands (something about my British heritage I think) and so was very excited to hear some rousing music to start the day. Those in charge were just setting up the court, so not much was happening. Fortunately, it was easy to track down a couple of the participating bands getting ready (just follow your ears). This group was practicing in an alley near the court and sounded terrific. I wanted movement in the drummer's hands and shot with a variety of speeds, settling on 1/15 as the best combination of hand-holdable sharpness and motion blur. I thought the patterns of their formation begged for a black & white conversion. Liked their intent expressions as well. Just wish I had the time to hear each and every one perform on center stage.

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