Running shoes

Still with today's timing chip attached. Kingston Breakfast run, 16 miles. Was pleased with the time of 2.38.53, given that I've had the cough that keeps on coughing for the last 4 weeks. Also managed a negative split - the first time I've ever done that. Houblon and B ran as well. We warmed up with a coffee afterwards. It was COLD.

There seem to be rumours of the demise of blip. I hope they're wrong. Apart from my journal entries, which chart some special moments, I will miss my blip friends. I was hoping to do some blipmeets, but that may be hard if the site disappears. It seems people are heading to project365, and I guess I will too. I'll keep going on blip while it's still here, though, in the hope the rumours are wrong.

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