Still life?

Last night of the drawing course, and the end of blip as we knew it.

Let's hope for a new lease of life for blip - with more movement than my still life (which at least won praise for good 3D effect). ...

Thanks to those who have followed me - I've enjoyed your comments and "meeting" others with similar interests, the runners, bird-watchers, mountaineers, rugby fans, people who've moved from Twickenham to Yorkshire, Lake District dwellers/lovers, collectors of amusing signs, etc, etc.

Thanks also for all the wonderful blips I've enjoyed browsing. It's amazing what a variety of images are captured each and every day, and your images have made commuting so much more bearable.

And thanks for sharing a glimpse of your lives with me and other blippers.

Really hope we'll be able to keep in touch.

I'll continue with my intermittent blipping here while it's possible. I can also be found under the same "nom de blip" on 365 project (although have already failed to upload there on a daily basis!!

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