Sunday: Sunday Walk

The skies were lovely and clear today and there was a beautiful feeling of spring in the air, so a perfect day for a good long walk in town.  This is one of the roads linking Lower Town and Upper Town.

I bought a jacket while out and about which meant I had to cart that around, as well as my camera.  But I don't mind as it is a lovely jacket and has elbow patches.

It's also been a nice sociable day with Skype chats with friends in Singapore (this morning) and the US (this evening).  

And on blip, I shall just repeat what two other very wise blippers have said.  It's pointless to keep speculating without information, and I am certainly staying here until they turn the lights off.  In fact, read Earthdreamer, he has said it far better than I can.  I shall say no more on the subject until we have facts to deal with, rather than rumour and speculation.

See you all tomorrow!!  

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