Tropical Touch

Flowers, candy family and food…what more could a girl ask for on her birthday?  Well, Will, our 17 year old grandson showed up at the door with this lovely tropical flower arrangement, which he chose himself, and a card apologizing for being unable to stay for dinner, and an offer to take me out to dinner this week. I was touched and delighted. 

When I was in college, I volunteered to participate in an experiment conducted by the psych department.  Four of us were placed around a table with a + shaped partition separating us. Our only way of communicating was via notes passed through a slot in the partition on one  side of us. We were given a problem to solve by passing notes through this slot to the unseen person to our right. I no longer remember what the challenge was or whether we solved it, but I am reminded of it now as the rumors of the imminent demise of Blipfoto gain momentum. As one Blipper commented, "the thing about Blip is that when we began we had no idea of what it would become to us, and by the time we realized it, it was already too late…."

I am backing up my journal posts, in case the worst comes to pass, but it is the community that exists, and the friends I have made that make Blipfoto what  it is, so I am starting a an email list of blippers who read this and care to send me an address where I can reach them. It feels a little like the psych experiment, but it is better than being left with no contact with the people I have come to care about. I took my email address off my profile page so I am putting it at the bottom of this entry. I devoutly hope that our fears turn out to be unjustified and that things will continue as usual. In the meantime, I will post back ups at (Wildwood was taken!)

Wildwood (Jennie Arndt)

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