Pi Day

Today is Pi day…3.14 (March 14 in the American notation of month first, followed by day and year). Pi has been calculated to over one trillion digits beyond its decimal point, although two digits are usually sufficient for calculations regarding the circle.As an "irrational" number, it will continue indefinitely without repetition or pattern, which is why mathematicians love Pi.

Today, 3.14.15, is a Pi Day that won't repeat itself for another century so it is a "Super Pi Day". I heard a mathematician on the radio "Science Friday" on NPR talking about Pythagoras. The story goes that he died working out his Pythagorean Theory. He was drawing circles in the sand, somewhere in the North African Desert when a shadow fell across him. Without looking up he shouted, "go away, can't you see I'm busy?' Turns out the shadow was cast by a Roman soldier who pulled out his sword and killed him. I suspect the story is apocryphal….

Today is also my birthday, which explains why I always get a pie instead of a cake. And why 3.14.15 is particularly special this year  with my family gathered for barbecued lamb, flatbread and tzatziki. At the moment, two of the four dogs have gone to the creek with Tim and Joni and the kids, and the rest of us are having a glass of wine. Comments and highlights tomorrow.

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