
My neighbor came by this morning with these orchids for my birthday. I took the liberty of playing around with the image, but not with the color....

Monday is not a favorable or even feasible day for family celebrations so we will do that on Saturday when we can celebrate my birthday, Tim's birthday and Easter. Tonight OilMan and I are going to go to Willi's Wine Bar...the place where our search for a home in Santa Rosa began....

I don't think either of us believed then that we would ever move from Berkeley, and our friends and family had stopped listening to our my fantasies, but the idea kept coming up. And so did we, frequently, to visit a foot surgeon who operated on both feet (at different times). The trip was made much more pleasant by having lunch at Willi's. We even had our "own" waiter who always remembered us.

It was a three year process and everybody told us that when we saw the right house we would know it instantly. They were right, and before we had time to think about it the offer was made and accepted and we were off on a new adventure.

So Willi's has become our "special occasion" restaurant, and our wonderful realtor has become our friend, our neighbor and the one who brought the beautiful orchids this morning.

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