Sherrards Park Wood

This isn't a great blip but it was a depressingly dull sky. I was glad to find this sculpted log to snap quickly.
So happy to be walking today with Fittlife. The whooping cough has all but gone - yay! Of course the others were running and I was mostly walking, (wearing in my new boots) but that's still a big improvement on the 'not even able to climb a flight of stairs' of the last few weeks. Tbh I think I could have run as I felt fine afterwards but I was being very careful for fear of overdoing it.
M&D drove up in the afternoon to come to Lauren's string group and orchestral concert which was informal, fun and sounded good (always a bonus!) Mum also treated me to an aromatherapy massage. Lucky me; it was very relaxing. I have a tendency to worry too much and I'm always busy, so it was just what I needed.

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