Coprinellus micaceus Glistening Ink Cap

I had such fun identifying and finding out about this! It grows in clusters on hardwood stumps, or as in my garden, on underground roots. A few hours after collection the black gills start to dissolve. This liquefaction by absorption of moisture from the air is called deliquescence. The mushroom is edible prior to deliquescence. I'm going to pass on that opportunity however just in case!

Today was good despite being grey. I spent the morning preparing instructions and score sheets for the district brownie competition I'm running on Saturday. After lunch Peter and I took a circular walk through local wood and farmland before the long Stortford school run. (But didn't spot anything blip worthy; it was all flat and grey) Finally at Brownies we finished our WWF energy topic by making personal environmental pledges and then I enrolled 5 with their Promise Ceremony.

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