
Yap the trees are starting to do their thing and colour is popping up everywhere.
The Boss had jeans on today rather than shorts.
Change is endemic (Hey …new word) in society and society thrives on it.
Just look at Dogbook  millions of dogs gathering friends and artificial friends around them when a few years back we all would have barked about how silly it seemed. and Instabark…goodness me dogs have been barking at each other for ever but now we send pics of us doing it.
Poor Mr Kodak and his moments.
So now Blip is changing to Polaroid Blip except the polar dogs are all hiding, probably looking for their sunglasses?
Next week the trees will be showing even more change but I suspect it will be fun-ness as usual right here.

Executive summary   #Blipforever

Thanks earthdreamer.

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