
I was far too busy to notice this as The Boss took me to my favourite Blatting Pad near the outlet and I was practising my gear shifts while The Boss was clunking.
The Boss says I had been fitted with an automatic trans-mission which enables instant course changes based on analytical data from my snoring organ. I think that means that if I sniff I shift.
Right then.

Barking News…It was 4 C this morning and the heat pump got turned on in the dining room. This was however combined with a major disaster as The Boss cleaned our luvly leather furniture on Sunday as we had “movie” visitors for “Before I Go To Sleep” on Apple TV and discovered that most of the discolouration was caused by me rubbing along the sides of stuff. This resulted in a stupid decision to close the lounge off during the day and save very little money on chair cleaner. I ask you???
There was also another silly suggestion that this action was shifting the afore mentioned furniture backwards. I am a small dog…right…so where do I go to appeal this. Lots of stuff gets appealed these days including where there were 17 sober witnesses  ‘Cos the lawyers need the money so I should still be allowed lounge access unaccompanied. 
mutter mutter mutter


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