
By pensionspoet

New Uniform

Cromer Academy Trust has a pretty smart uniform, I think you will agree, and my lovely Henry is going to look the model of sophistication in it! 

This evening I'm tackling the hems, hence Henry standing on the coffee table! I have managed to do one pair, plus put name labels in 4 white (tesco) shirts. Still PE kit, jumper, & blazer to label, and another pair of trousers to turn. On Lindsay's advice I have just turned them, rather than cut any off - well, with all that sea air he is bound to have a huge growth spurt and I'll be taking the hems down before the year is out!

I also need to do a bit of research, to find a good BT deal for phone and internet, as we don't have either in Norfolk. Then I also need someone to erect a decent aerial for the TV. Plus book a van so that Jon can move the big bits of furniture....

Hmmm......what did we do before the internet?!?

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