Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


I've blipped many a Small Tortoiseshell in this journal before, I don't think I've ever managed to capture the delicate pattern of the underside as well as this.

Although this isn't my first of the year, those that 7yo and I saw on March 7th eluded the camera, so this is my first butterfly blip of the year.

My #butterflies2015 tag is up and running. We'll see if this year brings any new species to my journal. A trip to Corfu in June may help with that, but there are still plenty of British species that have eluded me.

And once more it is Hallcliffe Community Garden which is providing these early sightings. The sheltering walls, bright sunshine and plentiful nectar sources all help to bring out the over-winterers, even on a day when the temperature probably didn't get into double figures.

Still not seen a moth this year though.

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