A German Comedy Blip & 'Mathias Tretter'

Those who maintain Germany has no humour may not speak the language .They have. Indeed so much so  that comedy theatres are very much a part of life . Shows favour satire and are first class when laughing  at their politicians and themselves . This comedian ( who was for a while in Scotland ) is terrific .His website shows a tour plan which is none stop. .Tonight's show began at 8pm and finished at 10:30pm There was the usual break but the rest of the time Mathias Tretter had all in stitches . This evenings show was entitled Selfie ..Afterwards I asked him to be my Blip and explained what such was . He consented and , on request did his Angela Merkel . For a guy in his mid 40's , 6 ft tall and good looking to manage, via body language , facial contortion and  exact vocal ,mimicry to result in the German Chancellor is not just a talent it proves to be great medicine .
NOTE ) one  huge plus re German comedy .they are extremely funny minus bad language and never is a warning needed. 

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