
I really don't know what I'm doing up at nearly midnight posting a photo, given I have to get up at 4am to get the red eye to Amsterdam and onwards to Luxembourg for a conference.

I've only just got back from work, having chaired a lecture and then been to a rather male dominated, but none the less quite interesting, dinner afterwards. And then there are so many things to check...before one ever gets around to blipping, never mind the other (insurance) place.

One interesting outcome from all these shennigans. Discovering that the person whose blogs I have been linking to manically these days (here's a third one - really interesting on the nature of blip's addiction), and whom I've started following on blip and on twitter is the partner of an old friend of mine. How funny. Life turns, as the old blip project told us.

Will continue uploading, I hope, on my travels, although I've got less good at that in recent times. Comments may be sparse - well, the ones on my journal are definitely sparse, but mine on others will be even sparser. If sparser exists as a word.

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