Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Good Gig

I took the day off today because me and my sprog were meeting up in Edinburgh to go to see Joan at the Queen's Hall.  She bought me the tickets for Christmas, and we have been looking forward to it for weeks.

Had a nice pottering about sort of day until it was time to drive through.  Gave the bathroom an extra specially good clean, which always makes me feel really virtuous. 

We met up around 5.30pm, and went to a little vegetarian Indian restaurant, near the venue, where we had an amazingly good meal.  Then we got to the hall just in time for the last number of the support act, so were all settled down in our seats, fed and watered when Joan came on. 

She played a stormer of a gig; 2 solid hours on stage by herself, no backing musicians.  And in between all the favourites, she had a nice little act going with the crowd.  I tell you, if that woman decides to go into stand-up comedy she could probably make (another) fortune!

We loved it, and so did the crowd.  Although there were a pair of heid cases near us, who had obviously had  a sherbet or two prior to coming in. 

Leaving swiftly at the end, to beat the rest to the taxi queue, Fingers Cornwall (aka Mrs Family Dog) spotted this poster on the noticeboard, so quickly and efficiently removed it, presenting it to me as a souvenir of our evening.  I'm so proud - I brought her up well!

All the way home we chatted, and I think it must be one of the few times since she had kids that we have managed to have whole conversations, uninterrupted.  The special treat for me is that she has a business meeting in Perth tomorrow, so is now ensconced in the spare room giving it big Zzzzzzzz's, so I'll get to see her again in the morning. 

Night night Blipworld, sleep tight.   

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