Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


The most fortuitous break in the thick cloud occurred bang on time!
The crowd cheered, whooped, clapped and ooohed! We popped on our special glasses but couldn't see a bloody thing, they only work when the Sun is not obscured by cloud and very bright.

It's not a very good shot, and I've seen some truly astounding photos on Blip today, but it is my shot and I didn't bother wasting time trying to get a decent one, I just wanted to stand in awe and enjoy with my own eyes and not through a lens.
After this the rain came pissing down and most folk left, we hung about because the whole transit takes 2 hours and this is only half way through.  Glad we did, as the clouds went and the Sun came out properly, the glasses really worked then - and we saw a super sharp Sun with a lovely big Moon chunk missing, like Cookie Monster had been at the Sun.
Worth taking the kids out of school, don't care if I get into trouble for it!

I loved the enthusiasm the kids showed today, especially Amber!  She's always promised herself she'll see a total solar eclipse in her life and I know she will, she's determined! But seeing 94% was not too shoddy at all!

The rest of today is piano, karate grading and my lovely hubby home, most auspicious indeed :-)

Have a superb weekend Blippers, see you tomorrow.


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