First Day of Spring Snow Storm

I woke up and the skies were gray and it felt cold in the house.  I turned the heat up and sat with some tea thinking about the predicted snow that was due to start soon.  It was making me feel like crawling back into bed. 

Meanwhile my daughter, Alex, brings Nadia upstairs for me to bring her to nursery school.  Alex left for work and I turned on the cartoons for Nadia and got her some juice.  Then she sneezed, and sneezed again.  Then the cough...oh it was an awful sounding cough.  I decided to keep her home with me.  Besides, the school was sure to call an early dismissal due to the snow. 
I asked Nadia if she wanted to lay down in my bed and she did.  We both fell fast asleep.  The next thing I knew it was 11 a.m.  I guess we both needed a rest.  When I looked outside my mouth hung open at the sight of all that snow.  By the time we got dressed and had something to eat everything was covered.  It snowed all day.  It looks like a winter wonderland now.  Not exactly what I expected on the first day of Spring.

This picture was taken from my bedroom window.  The shed looks like it is surrounded with a wreath of snow. 

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