Moles, moles, and more moles, over 200. The mole catcher is obviously good at his job.

Poor things

Watched the eclipse, through two pairs of sunglasses sellotaped together and double-glazing. Even took some pics but, through two pairs of sunglasses sellotaped together and double-glazing, they did not give the required fantastic awe-inspiring result. Have seen excellent photos of the eclipse on Blip and especially like the ones with the atmospheric clouds.

In the evening we went to a slide show of old photographs of the village. The photos were fascinating, but as we have only been here 25 years we did not know the people the speakers were talking about in their tales of yore. I had an uncontrollable coughing fit (honest) and left during the tea and biscuit break. It was lucky we did as from later accounts, the talk went on for another 2 hours. And those church pews were darned hard.

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