One of five a day

By KiloRomeo


Yes he was !!!

You, sir, deserve my the finish line too ...your race number says you ran the entire 26.2 miles in very good time. Much respect!

There were bees

Storm troopers

Pretty people

And pretty animals

Provocative runners

And tempting equipment

Chaps who knew what they were doing

And ones who told the spectators what to do

And runners too

There were moving scenes of spectators carrying struggling runners past the finish line.

Standing in one spot, for several hours, with a camera trained at the runners perhaps, was more difficult than I had expected. But all in all it was a great day, great weather and great spirit.

Thank you for your comments and stars and hearts for yesterday's baby blackbird. I'm so flattered :))xx

I need to come around to yours now.... hope you all had a good weekend.

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