The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Decoration Day 2012

Here in the United States of America, we are celebrating Memorial Day weekend, which was originated after the Civil War. Once called "Decoration Day," the holiday celebrates the lives of soldiers who have lost their lives fighting in war. Traditionally, flags are placed at the graves of fallen soldiers

More recently, Memorial Day weekend has come to symbolize the first weekend of the Summer vacation months, as well as special events, such as the Indianapolis 500 car race. Traditionally, Americans open their lake or beach houses this weekend, and for many families, it marks the first time they have used their grills since Labor Day, the traditional last weekend of Summer celebration in the U.S.A..

This year, my family was not together for the weekend, and I spent a large portion of the day responding to emails and issues surrounding a documentary film that we are working on. It dawned on me, at around 4 PM, that I did not have anything in the house to eat, and that my daughter's stash of Ramen Noodles was not going to constitute dinner.

A trip to the local market resulted in me nabbing the last package of burgers. There were only 3, and one looked small, but I grabbed them before a disgruntled male customer could get his hands on them. He looked unhappy, but obviously was not experienced in last minute holiday grocery shopping.

All of the good deli rolls were gone. The store was getting ready to close, and the coffers were growing empty. I grabbed a seedless cuke, a red onion, some sesame seed buns, a new bottle of sweet pickle chips, and a bottle of Shiraz., and raced to the checkout counter. The teenager at the register gave a cursory smile and got me out of there as quickly as she could. It was closing time at Kilroy's Wonder Market.

Back at home, I quickly threw together a tomato, cucumber and red onion salad with some evoo and nice vinegar, and got it chilling in the refrigerator. Dinner would have to wait. We hadn't eaten lunch until 2 PM.

The weather Gods were watching over me today. After a full week of rain, we had enough sun today for folks to barbecue, and it is only now, at 10:00 PM EDT, that the skies have opened up, and it is pouring rain...again.

Traditionally, we celebrate the lives of those who have died for our country, but more recently, we remember all of our lost loved ones. Tomorrow is the actual Memorial Day holiday, and also the birthday of my sister, Ruby, who passed away in August of 2009.

My Blipfoto today is nothing very special, but a very traditional American meal, dedicated to my sister for the Memorial Day birthday she is missing this year.

Sometimes, it's the simplicity of life that passes us by. We make things far more complicated than they need to be. Life is short. Enjoy the time you have here on planet Earth.

Confucius once said: "Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."
You may have read that in a fortune cookie.

Maybe Avril Lavigne had a point.

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