
By ChrisGroucutt

To the wire

A day of rehearsing with a local theatre school. They've been working for the last 3 months on this show, and it's just about coming into focus ready for the performances next week. Just in time :)

I noticed these cables linking both sides of a patchbay in the soundbox. This particular patchbay though is fully normalised, which in layman's terms means the two sides are internally linked unless you plug a cable in. Which in further layman's terms means you don't need to plug one side into t'other. Which makes all that lot totally redundant.

I don't have the heart to tell them though, somebody went to a lot of trouble and time to set it all up, and it's such a pretty affair I couldn't suggest anybody undo it.

And besides - they provided me with my blip tonight, so they're not totally redundant :)


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